Post by Vespa on Feb 12, 2009 23:05:45 GMT -5
mal⋅a⋅prop⋅ism /ˈmæləprɒpˌɪzəm/ [mal-uh-prop-iz-uhm] –noun 1. an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, esp. by the confusion of words that are similar in sound. example:A common malapropism is "for all intense and purposes", (also, "for all intensive purposes") a result of the original phrase being misheard and repeated.
Correct idiom: "to all intents and purposes." or "for all intents and purposes"
I just had to!
So malapropisms--which I have just discovered is the word for it--are the bane of my existence. And they are something I wish to address for my own sanity. So what I'm gonna do is: every time I see one in someone's post I'm going to put the correct version here.
This is just some crazy OCD thing. I don't assume anyone will actually care what I post here but who knows! Maybe Rook will want to stickie it or something I dunno.
I just wanna see how bad the malapropisms really are. I know I've seen a few already.
Post by Rook on Feb 17, 2009 18:13:01 GMT -5
You dork. xD
Post by Vespa on Feb 17, 2009 18:22:58 GMT -5
Shoosh no you! Perfectly legitimate thread topic. >.<
Post by Rook on Feb 17, 2009 18:47:33 GMT -5
Yes yes, well my speech patterns are so disjointed that it would take hours to get all the malapropisms
Post by Vespa on Feb 17, 2009 19:30:23 GMT -5
LOL I'll leave common speech alone. It's the role play I'm worried about.
My god I got two in 24 hours IRL today. Last night a friend said 'stuck pig' instead of 'squeal like a stuck pig' and she expected me to understand.
And another friend said 'hurtles' today like I'm supposed to know he meant. That one's less easy to explain.
But they're everywhere Rookums!
Post by Rook on Feb 23, 2009 8:41:23 GMT -5
Language is what people make of it in my opinion, not everything has to follow the rules that some guy wrote out in a book. xD but to each their own.
Post by Vespa on Feb 23, 2009 10:29:34 GMT -5
This is true! Language evolves with usage. That's how dictionaries are made. If you look at a dictionary from even the 60s there's a lot of words in it you've never heard before. But language is a means of communication. And rules exist to communicate effectively. Yes, everyone has their own way to go about it. Their own selection from the thousands of words out there to form their own vocabulary. But if you make up your own rules too far you run the risk of being misinterpreted, misunderstood or even not understood. You're also probably inventing a new dialect or even language itself.
I....could talk about this boring crap all day. >.>
Also the guy wrote it in a book because that's what everyone's using. It's evolutionary!
Post by Rook on Feb 23, 2009 11:46:02 GMT -5
True, but I don't see how using "hurtle" instead of "hurdle' could ultimitley affect the meaning of the world. Given your passion on the subject however, I can see how it would irritate you. It kind of irritates me too actually, even though I don't put too much value behind it, when people mis-speak words and they spread it does get under my skin I guess it's this common sense of order between us OCD freaks.
Post by Vespa on Feb 23, 2009 15:10:36 GMT -5
Yeah, in every day chatter it doesn't get to me so much. But when it comes to writing, i.e: a novel, there is no undo or a redo so you can't clarify with the reader like we can here.
Which is why I'm doing this malapropism thing. Homonyms aren't such a big deal since you can ultimately figure out the correct meaning is.
Post by Adeline on Feb 24, 2009 18:39:19 GMT -5
xD you guys make me laugh ^^
Post by Rook on Feb 24, 2009 20:03:36 GMT -5
xD we're both nerds lol
POWER to teh nerds!
Post by Vespa on Feb 24, 2009 22:17:21 GMT -5
Congratulations to Sinnie-poo! My first victim! xD He graduated with honors and in fact, was the Valor Victorian for his class.As Adeline so cunningly pointed out the correct term is Valedictorian. It's okay Sinnie-poo. I still love teh pewp outta you.
Post by Vespa on Feb 26, 2009 23:00:30 GMT -5
What is this nerd humor you speak of... And I'd appreciate it if you didn't clutter this thread with nonsense thank you.
Post by karanass on Feb 26, 2009 23:08:17 GMT -5
nerd humor is humor that stems from a somewhat obscure source and can seem either kind of OCD or obscure (depends on what it is) and this thread is definitely a good example of nerd humor
Sorry i'm being such a spaz, I guess that recently i've been all over the place -might need a hiatus to collect thoughts-
Post by Vespa on Feb 27, 2009 20:24:56 GMT -5
I fail to see the humor of it but perhaps you should take a hiatus...for the 'thought gathering'.